Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A party and a sandwich discovery

I have a hard time eating healthy foods b/c I am so busy with the kids.   Darling hosted a party over the weekend, and of course i didn't get to eat any of the food he made b/c I was so busy getting the kids settled and general hosting duties (but i did find time to keep my wine glass filled!) So, as he was cleaning up the leftovers at 11 pm that night, I was trying to grab whatever I could to eat.  There was not much left, but I tossed together pita wedges, hummus and cucumbers and viola!  Yummy sandwich, pretty healthy!  I am particular about hummus because I don't like garlic (yuck!!) but there is a red pepper variety that Darling buys that I like.  So now it is just a matter of keeping the ingredients on hand...

On another note, I realized that I hate photography.  A key component of all the home blogs I like to read.  So I have no pictures of my yummy sandwich.  Because I didn't think of it til days later.  And then it would have taken me a week to upload them.  And then I would realize it was terrible quality.  Cuz I don't know how to use the camera.  And I don't care to learn.  So, that is a lot of the slowness on this blog, a lack of motivation to deal with the photos.  Hmm.  Something for me to think about....

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